The current state of knowledge...
The current knowledge of the various species of mahseer across Myanmar is very incomplete, as is generally across its overall distribution range. The information presented on this page is based on our current understanding and knowledge of the various masheers encountered across Myanmar; this information is a product of direct and indirect observation, with various contributions from Myanmar fish lovers and Myanmar recreational anglers who have share their observations with us in order to support our work.
Probably between 6 and 12 species...
Generally, mahseers are distributed across 2 main Genus, Tor and Neolissochilus, both of which are represented in Myanmar rivers. As taxonomic work on the family of mahseers is incomplete across its distribution range, we can't yet define the number of species of mahseers present in Myanmar with certainty. However, in order to present the various mahseers of Myanmar, we have made the assumption that an individual mahseer could represent a "species" when significant physical characteristics differentiate that individal from other mahseers.
However, as is true for other species of fish, we cannot exclude that one species of mahseer could present significant phenotypical variations based on seasonality, the local environment or sexual maturation / activity. Therefore it is possible, even likely that some mahseers that are listed below as being from possibly different species could in reality be from the same species. As science and knowledge progress, we will correct and update information on this page accordingly.
Help us update this page!
Should you find any mistake or have any information that could complement our work, please do not hesitate to send us a message here.
Our contributors...
We would like to extend our thanks to all contributors to this mapping exercise: Jesh, Thadoe Wai, Heek Lov, Ko Zaw, San Sar Gywali, Myo Chit Zaw, Zeyar Phyo, Ko Shwe Kate, Mrbar Ying.